Saturday, November 22, 2014

Module 13

     This class has made me realize how important technology is in our society today. It made me realize that there are everyday things that we do that includes technology. I just can't even imagine what life would be like without the technology we have. It has made out lives easier but can cause problems as well.  This class has helped me realize that this is just the beginning for technology. It is constantly changing and will just grow more and more as time goes on. I can't wait to see what society comes up with in the next 50 years.

     While reading this textbook I learned about different businesses and how they succeed with all different aspects. Like supply chain I enjoyed reading about supply chain and how a successful chain leads to a successful business. Also if you don't have a strong supply chain how that can affect your business. 

     My favorite assignment was interviewing a friend or a love one about how they use technology is their job setting. I interviewed my mom and she wouldn't be able to do what she does everyday without the technology we have now. It made me realize that everything from electronically clocking in to phones are part of her job and wouldn't be able to succeed without it.

     I enjoyed the textbook we had in this class, I will take many things from it. It had great stories and loved hearing them from the author. He is a very good writer, he defiantly knows how to write and get his point across in a clear understanding way. But, I did enjoy the modules that we didn't have to read out of the book and we got to write on something else. I looked forward to the assignments outside of the book, I enjoyed something new.

     I enjoyed taking this class online. It is hard to go to school full time and also working full time and it's nice we have the options to take classes outside of the campus. It wasn't too hard and I enjoyed writing on a blog and sharing what I thought with my classmates. I also liked reading my classmates posts and seeing what they learned that week either reading out of the text book or whatever we had to do outside of the book. I have already suggested this class to friends of mine that are looking for a good online class. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Module 12


     Module 12 we were asked to read a article named "Why the Future doesn't need us" published by wired magazine. This article made me realize how important technology is in this day in age and how is it constantly changing and will always continue to change. The author states 3 components as GNR, Genetics Nanotechnology and Robotics. 

     Joy states that nanotechnology will be good for dealing in the medical aspect. I think this could be directed in a good or bad directed. I think it depends on how people use it and not abuse it. I think this component is not as important as the other two, I think the other two are higher up on the importance ladder.

     Another component that is stated is Genetics. While reading this article it made me think a whole lot different of the genetics I knew about. The article states, "As this enormous computer power is combined with the manipulative advances of the physical sciences and the new deep understanding in genetics enormous transformative power is being unleashed. These combinations open up the opportunity to completely redesign the world for better or worse. The replicating and evolving processes that have been confined to the natural world are about to become realms of human endeavor." That sounds pretty scary to me, that makes me wonder what people could do with genetics that we have never thought of.

     The third component is Robotics. The article states, "How soon could such an intelligent robot be built? The coming advances in computer power seem to make it possible by 2030. And once an intelligent robot exists, it is only a small step to a robot species-to an intelligent robot that can make evolved copies of itself. I have to be honest when I read this section of this article it made me think of the movie Robots with Will Smith. How robots can take over the world and do exactly what humans can do. Would that ever happen in our society? We have robot machines performing surgeries on real people. Is that going to eliminate doctors and surgeons in hospitals? What else could happen in our future? I think yeah maybe robotics could help us in a good way but only if we use it properly. Would we consider computers as a robot? Because computers have eliminated thousands of jobs to more efficient would else could be created that could eliminate even more jobs. 

     What do these 3 have in common? Us they can be controlled by us. We can control how they are used for the good or the bad. I think it's important that we are smart with our decisions and make our decisions using our heads. Make sure that nothing goes wrong make sure they are used for more for the good than the bad.