Saturday, October 18, 2014

Module 8

Brittney McMurray

IST 1100

Module 8

                Computers have been very involved in my education; I started using computers in Kindergarten. Back then the screens were green and defiantly couldn't do what our computers could do today.  But as I went through K-12 computers got more and more important in my education. We started getting papers to right on the computer, we had to read articles that you could access over the internet, we had to make power points dealing with a subject we were learning, and now in college I am taking classes online towards a degree.

            I talked to my father about computers and his education; he graduated from Weber State over 30 years ago in engineering. He defiantly didn't have access to classes online or even accessing your classes online.  My classes I can check my status of my grades in an instant and my father didn't have that option back when he was at Weber State University.  If he had to check his grade in his class he had to ask the professor, which the professor had recorded in a track book. It’s amazing what the difference is from education and computers from now.

            My husband just started Weber State University this semester.  When he applied for the university he did it completely online. Not once did he have to come into the university to get enrolled. He applied online and got his acceptance letter in the mail a couple days later. It’s amazing to think you can apply for a university without even leaving your home.

            I have a laptop that I use just for my schooling; I write my papers on it and do any assignments that are due on that computer. I can take it anywhere, I could succeed my education in a woman’s bathroom if I really wanted too (doesn't mean I would).  For me papers are the worst thing to do on my laptop. Thinking it takes too much time to complete. But can you imagine before writing a paper without it? Writing it in pen/pencil? Imagine your professor telling you that in this class we have a final paper due at the end of the semester and it must be 20-30 pages long. But, you had no computers and had to write it by hand.  Wouldn't one be a little overwhelmed?  I will be honest and probably cry and be a little stressed. Computers have made our speed of exceeding in our education greatly.

            While writing this blog post I have thought how computers are going to succeed the education system in the future. My children are going to have all these amazing things on the computer that we can’t even fathom yet. I am privileged for what I have been given in this day in time to succeed my education.  

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Module 6

Brittney McMurray
October 4, 2014

Friedman states free trade by using David Ricardo’s theory which he states, “If each nation specializes in the production of goods in which it has a comparative cost advantage and then trades with other nations for the goods in which they specialize, there will be an overall gain in trade, and overall income levels should rise in each trading country.” When I read about free trading I thought instantly of how it would help our current economy issues. We would be opening up jobs, providing better paying jobs and building up a savings account. Imagine if we had these things happen more often now? Wouldn't you think we would be better off? Do you think we would have a more established society?

What traits does one need to have to be a so called “new middler’? One can get specialized jobs which could be working with an A-list celebrity, or being a neurosurgeon in New York City or even being a big hit sensation like Michael Jackson. They can’t be touched or as he states “untouchable”. He also states about anchored jobs, meaning jobs that are performed in person. Examples could be a plumber or a babysitter. Imagine if everyone had this mindset to get a job like this? Wouldn’t it help our economy our hurt it? I thought if we are all equals in this world would that make the world more equal?

So what does CQ+PQ>IQ mean? Well first let me fix it so it doesn’t look like a math problem (because honestly who likes math?) It means curiosity quotient plus passion quotient is greater than intelligent quotient. When I read about this to me it meant curiosity and passion are obviously greater than intelligent.  I believe passion grows intelligence not the other way around. I think people need to go toward goals more, in this day in age people believe that you need to be Albert Einstein or the highest IQ to have a good paying job.  NO! You’re passion and curiosity can get you just as far or even farther than intelligence. This section hit home with me because I believe I am not the smartest person around. But I have passion for the things I love. I need to use that passion and curiosity to my advantage. If I set my goals straight and strive to be the best I can with the passion I have, the intelligence will just grow as I learn.

In conclusion, when reading these chapters I realized these are things that can make a better world, country, state, city or population. These things can just make us better can make the economy better. Think about if our younger generation develops these skills how the world would be for them? What kind of changes will be made?